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Asthma is a condition of the lungs characterized by inflammation and reversible narrowing of the airways, affecting children and adults. Asthma is very common, and often related to allergy. Pulmonary function tests may be needed to determine if narrowing of the airway is present. Goals for the treatment of asthma are to control or minimize…
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Allergy is an abnormal response in our bodies to common substances, such as plants, foods, household dust and pets or medications. People with allergies may have symptoms such as sneezing, cough, itching and increase secretions (runny nose, tears, etc.) Risks for allergy include genetics (family history) and environment. Certain tests and treatment are possible for…
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Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin problem consisting of dry, itchy, scaly or weeping skin. Allergies are frequently found in patients with eczema. Food sensitivity in children can cause eczema. Contact with household chemicals and personal care products can cause eczema in adults.
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Urticaria form a raised, red, itchy rash frequently called hives or welts. They are very common and there are hundreds of causes of hives. In some patients, the cause of urticaria may not be found. A form of deep tissue swelling called angioedema can accompany urticaria. Treatment includes avoidance and frequently regular medications.
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